In the Internet hosting field, cloud architecture means using different web servers for every single service that's a part of the hosting service. In other words, your files, databases and emails will not run on the very same machine, but on separate ones. Such a configuration contributes to higher uptime and improved overall performance since only one kind of system processes will run on the server, so the resources will be utilized as efficiently as possible. A large number of companies nowadays promote their cloud services, but what they offer is not genuine cloud architecture for the simple reason that the hosting control panels they use are not designed to work on anything different from a single server. If everything runs on one machine, an issue with one service could take the whole server offline. In this light, if you are searching for cloud hosting, you should verify if the service you will receive is really a cloud one or if this is a marketing trick.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Website Hosting

The shared web hosting service which we offer uses a genuine cloud platform and you can use its full potential and experience its advantages from the in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, that was developed exclusively for it. We have clusters of servers handling every part of the hosting service including, but not limited to files, statistics, databases, Control Panel, email messages, and many others, so you'll practically never see any downtime of your websites even for maintenance procedures. The resources at your disposal will be virtually limitless since we can add more hard disks for more space or entire servers for extra processing power to each of the clusters when needed. If you get one of our shared hosting plans, you will use a very fast, stable and dependable hosting service on a genuine cloud platform.