The monthly traffic feature, which is at times also referred to as bandwidth or info transfer, identifies the overall volume of data which is uploaded to your website hosting account and downloaded from it every month. Your website traffic is produced mainly by website visits - each time someone comes across your website, the pages they see are downloaded from the web hosting server to his / her machine or smartphone and they are displayed by the internet browser. What counts towards the site traffic produced is the overall size of these pages, so the more site visitors you have for some period of time, the more website traffic will be produced. In addition to the website visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that any time you upload site content or some other files through a file manager or an FTP program, they will also produce some website traffic. The counter resets on day one of each month and it is not related to the date you've subscribed as well as the date you've renewed your website hosting plan.

Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting

The monthly traffic allowance for our website hosting packages is sufficient for every site. Whether you have a blog, a community forum or electronic commerce portal, what amount of data will be transferred to and from your account or getting to some low allowance cap will never be a reason for your websites to be inaccessible. We also provide you with in-depth site traffic information, so that you'll be able to check how much content is being downloaded at all times. The hourly, daily and monthly results will give you an idea how the websites perform, what kind of files produce most of the traffic as well as a lot more advantageous info that can help you take care of your websites along with your account as a whole. The stats can be accessed with just a few mouse-clicks in your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.